Acupressure Points for Tinnitus – Massage Monday
Hi everyone, this is Yasuko and it’s time for Massage Monday. Per viewer’s request this week I’m going to cover the acupressure points for tinnitus or tinnitus which is a ringing or buzzing in the ears. I’m going to cover five effective points around the ears.

The first point is in front of the ear by the tragus the little prominence. When you open your mouth you’ll feel the depression. This is called Small Intestine 19. Stimulate these points on both sides by gently pressing for 3-5 seconds at a time with your mouth open.
Read more: Natural Remedies for Tinnitus Quick Tip 1
The second point is right above the last point. It’s the depression above the tragus. This is called Triple Heater or Triple Warmer 21. Press these points on both sides for 3-5 seconds at a time. The third point is right above the top of the ear by the hairline.
You can also fold your ear forward to close the opening and it’s where the top of the ear is touching the head. This is called Triple Heater or Triple Warmer 20. Press these points on both sides for 3-5 seconds at a time. The fourth point is the depression on the bone behind the ear. When you follow the bone behind the ear upward, you will feel a little indentation behind the ear.
This is called Gall Bladder 11. It’s actually painful to press. Stimulate these points on both sides by rubbing or pressing gently. The last point is the depression right behind the ear lobe. This is called Triple Heater or Triple Warmer 17. Gently press these points on both sides.
Thanks for watching. I’ll see you back next week. Make it a great week. Feel free to comment below and please don’t forget to subscribe.
Read more: Silencil Natural Remedies For Tinnitus