Living With Asthma: Top Tips For Managing Your Symptoms
People of all ages can suffer with asthma. It can be hereditary or can suddenly occur with no prior problems. An asthma attack can be frightening and potentially fatal if it is not treated and the asthma gotten under control. This article can help you to manage and treat your asthma attacks.

Remove all kinds of carpets from your house. Carpeting is hard to clean and will contain dust no matter how long you spend vacuuming it. You should choose linoleum floors or wooden floors instead. The same thing applies to furniture: get a leather couch instead of choosing a softer fabric.
You should have your home inspected at least one a year if you or your child has asthma. You might not be aware that your house contains dust or mold in areas that you cannot see. Find a professional to inspect your house and give you a complete report of the situation.
Make sure you know your breathing. Observe the way you breathe when you are calm and symptom free. When you realize that your breathing has changed you can consider relaxation and breathing techniques to calm you down to avoid severe asthma attacks. During an attack, try to return your breathing to its normal depth and rate.
It is wise for all asthma patients to purchase peak flow meters for their home. These machines can help you check your lung function so that you know if you are in danger of having an asthma attack. These machines are inexpensive and certain insurances will actually pay for them.
If you suffer from asthma and you have carpet in your home, you may want to consider getting rid of it and replacing it with hardwood floors. Carpets tend to collect dust and other unhealthy materials that can trigger asthma symptoms and attacks. If you do keep your carpet, be sure to vacuum it often.
Change your sheets and comforter once a week, and wash them in hot water. One of the best ways to prevent attacks or common triggers is to ensure your home is clean and dry. Your bedding starts to collect dust, dander, dirt and other debris that can pollute the air you breathe. Frequent washing in hot water ensures these pollutants are kept to a minimum.
Know what triggers your asthma and how to avoid them. Triggers are different for each person, so it may take some time to figure out what yours are. Keep a diary of them. Once you find out what your triggers are, try to avoid or limit your contact with them.
Talk clearly with your doctor to make sure you fully understand your individual condition and treatment plan. Because asthma treatments vary significantly, it is important your doctor understand exactly what your symptoms are in order to develop an individualized treatment plan. It is also important you understand the plan so you can take appropriate steps to manage your asthma.
Monitor how many times, on a weekly basis, you are using your rescue inhaler. It is possible that your asthma may be out of control or that there are extenuating circumstances that are exacerbating your condition. If you have to use your inhaler a lot, you will know that you should more closely monitor your surroundings.
Minimize the time you spend outdoors during the humid seasons to avoid asthma problems. If you have asthma difficulties, the most humid part of the year is also most likely the most aggravating one. Damp air is in itself bad for asthma sufferers, and it also tends to bring allergens and other irritants with it. Staying indoors whenever possible will keep you away from these threats.
Be sure to cover your mattresses and pillows if you suffer from allergy symptoms and asthma. These covers should be plastic ones that are specially made to block allergens. It is also a good practice to wash your bed linens in hot water at least once each week to kill any dust mites that might irritate your allergies.
If you find yourself without an inhaler when an asthma attack is coming on, try having a cold soda. The caffeine can actually open your airways and control the asthma. Preferably keep your inhaler on you at all times, but in case you find yourself without one, try drinking a caffeinated beverage.
Make sure to schedule regular asthma check-ups. This is very important because you and your doctor need to know immediately if your condition is worsening. Even if you are managing your asthma fine and don’t have attacks often, it is important to check in with your family doctor and make sure everything is well.
If you are suffering from asthma, one thing to remember is that you should always be using non-aspirin pain relievers for any kinds of issues, such as Tylenol because the use of asprin based things such as Advil or Motrin can actually trigger you to have asthma attacks and make it worse.
Read more: Learning To Live Better With Asthma Problems
Every single week, get in the habit of washing your bed sheets. During the course of the day, dust mites will reside on your bed, which can incite symptoms of asthma when you sleep. Clean your sheets to eliminate this dust mites and create a hygienic area for resting.
Being newly diagnosed with asthma can be a frightening experience. Your doctor is an important source of information about your condition that should not be overlooked. Ask for his recommendation about trustworthy websites where you can read more about asthma, and if there are any support groups in your area.
One way to combat an asthma attack is to ingest caffeine. As you feel your chest tightening and sense that an attack is about to happen, a few cups of coffee or caffeinated soda (especially high-powered energy drinks) can help you avoid the attack. This works because caffeine helps to open your airways. Only try this if you are away from your inhaler.
As previously stated, asthma can attack people of all ages. There are many different causes but the result is the same. There is great difficulty in breathing and even the possibility of sudden death. This article hopes to help you manage your asthma and find treatment methods to bring you relief in breathing freely.
Read more: Doctors reverse the symptoms of Asthma and Allergies