Semenax and Healthy Sperm
If you’re looking to conceive and you’ve heard how difficult it can be to maintain a healthy sperm count, take heart. You can have healthy swimmers with minor lifestyle adjustments. You don’t have to become a monk or banish yourself to a deserted island to protect your sperm either.
But you do need to be aware that healthy sperm thrives with a specific set of biological factors. What’s more, you can boost your sperm count and quality with a proven semen volume enhancer, like Semenax. More on that later. First, let’s look at how lifestyle affects sperm.

The average sperm count for a healthy male is between 120 million to 350 million per cubic centimetre. A low count is below 40 million. The more sperm you have, the greater your chances for insemination. You can also gauge healthy sperm by its motility, or ability to move to an egg.
Healthy lifestyle is very important for high sperm count and sperm motility. You’ve heard it said many times to abstain from smoking, recreational drugs and excessive alcohol. Here’s another reason: they all adversely affect sperm. So if you’re looking to conceive, don’t smoke, drink or do drugs!
Chemical exposure, from pesticides, plastics and industrial pollutants is hard to avoid in today’s consumer-driven society. They’re also proven to damage sperm. Go organic where possible, especially for pesticide-heavy products like apples. Better yet, go organic with all your food. Yes it can be more expensive, but your swimmers will thank you for it. Avoid plastic containers and wrapping, as they all contain traces of industrial pollutants. Inconvenient, yes, but it’s a short-term adjustment.
Healthy diet plays a major role in male fertility. Go green, with lots of leafy vegetables, like kale, broccoli and spinach. Lemons and oranges are good. Fresh organic fruits, whole grains and legumes can all ensure your sperm are numerous and healthy. Stay away from animal products with a high fat content with hormones, like dairy, chicken, beef and pork. A bit of an adjustment here for your inner carnivore, but while you’re looking to conceive, it’s a good way to go.
Read more: Semenax and Healthy Diet
Avoid coffee, tea and alcohol while you’re looking to conceive as well. Tell yourself they’re short-term sacrifices.
Exercise helps maintain a healthy body weight. Moderate exercise, five times a week for at least 45 minutes can be very beneficial to male fertility. Moderate is the key here; excessive exercise, like marathon running and professional sports can lower sperm count. On the other hand, obesity is linked to lowered sperm count and impotence. Light and regular exercise relieves stress and helps maintain healthy body weight. Both are essential to healthy sperm.
Nutritional supplements can also be an effective way to boost male fertility. Vitamin C and zinc are the most important nutrients here; vitamin C, at 2000 to 6000 milligrams a day prevents sperm from sticking together, which increases motility and the odds they’ll reach their target. Zinc is proven to boost testosterone, sperm count and motility. A good dose of zinc is 100 to 200 milligrams a day.
Arginine is an amino acid that can also boost increase count and motility.
For further assistance from mother nature in boosting male fertility, there’s a variety of herbals that stimulate erections, sex drive, blood flow to the sex organs and improve overall sexual health. These herbals include panax ginseng, muira puama, ginkgo biloba, horny goat weed and tribulus terrestris.
And some trivial habits you can change that will have your swimmers plentiful and happily moving. Don’t stick your cell phone in your front pant pocket! While ongoing research continues into cell phones and the effects of radiation on the human body, some studies suggest that putting your phone near your groin might expose your sperm to radiation, thus lowering their count. Also, avoid tight-fitting pants (like spandex) that fit tightly around the groin, and don’t spend excessive time exposing your penis to hot water. They both lower sperm production.
Finally, when looking to conceive, take Semenax! As the most effective semen volume enhancer available today, Semenax boosts sperm volume and health with its potent blend of safe amino acids and herbal extracts, including arginine, muira puama and tribulus terrestris. Remember them? All in Semenax, which produces no known side effects and being all-natural, doesn’t require a trip to a doctor.
Semenax also increases sperm load, which means longer orgasms. You’re cool with that right?
This article outlines male fertility and how you can increase your chances of a healthy conception. When blended with Semenax, some time, patience and a whole lot of sex (gee, life is so rough!) you’re well on your way to a baby in your future.
Happy conception!
Read more: Semenax Increased Semen Production