Chlorogen 800 Buy Green Coffee Bean Extract
Chlorogen 800 Overview

An EASY Way To Burn Fat And Look Amazing!
Picture the body you want but without the work.
Chlorogen 800 gives you that choice – of easy weight loss, with no changes to diet and exercise, or more ‘expedited’ results, for a dramatic, and eye-catching figure.
That’s because Chlorogen 800 is virtually identical to the green coffee bean extract supplement used in a breakthrough study published in 2012, which documented:
- 17lbs of weight LOST!
- 10% overall body weight REDUCED!
- 4.4% overall body fat BURNED!
- Buy Green Coffee Bean Extract
- The results, published in the journal Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, are even more extraordinary when you consider they came with no changes to diet or exercise among study participants…
So you can imagine how AMAZING you’ll look after 6 months with Chlorogen 800 and its all-natural (and non-addictive!) formula!
You’ll Look Great!
Make plans to show a little of your lean figure in the next few months, with pictures or even a few appearances in a swimsuit courtesy of Chlorogen 800.
Weight typically shows up in the face, after all, which is why many clients find their cheekbones are more visible in a short amount of time.
Yes, we’ll go out on a limb and say you’ll look attractive when you use Chlorogen 800, with lots of “you look great!” to make your day.
You’ll feel comfortable taking pictures too, and take pride when you look in the mirror.
Chlorogen800 puts this all within reach – all thanks to higher levels of a chemical called ‘chlorogenic acid’ than you’ll find in other so-called green coffee supplements (Buy Green Coffee Bean Extract).
50% Chlorogenic Acid For Maximum Results
Chlorogen 800 is notable for using 50% chlorogenic acid, compared to 45% and less for competing products, and is dosed at a safe, yet waist-friendly 800mg per serving.
That’s what makes Chlorogen800 so effective. It mirrors the 2012 study, which found that the participants who took higher doses lost the most weight!
Chlorogenic acid occurs naturally in coffee beans and is the fat-burning mechanism that makes green coffee so potent.
All coffee beans have chlorogenic acid, but heat kills this valuable chemical. That’s why your morning cup of Joe doesn’t help weight loss – it’s lost in the roasting process.
Chlorogen800 is unroasted Green Coffee Bean Extract with a very weight loss-friendly 50% chlorogenic acid.
In fact, it beats Dr. Oz’s litmus test of minimum 45% chlorogenic acid and has no fillers or artificial ingredients.
Just 50% chlorogenic acid, dosed at 800mg per serving in a veggie capsule taken twice a day for maximum weight loss results!
Try It Risk-Free For 60 Days
Chlorogen800 changes lives, with easy weight loss and the enjoyment of life that comes with it. We guarantee it, with a 60 day risk free period during which you can return it for a full refund minus shipping and handling if you’re not satisfied.
Why do we offer this?
Because Chlorogen 800 is pure, all-natural, easy weight loss magic. We’ve seen first-hand, the lives changed with the visible results, and how it puts this all within reach.
Chlorogen800 is non-addictive, but the compliments can be habit-forming!
We guarantee you’ll love Chlorogen 800. Hold us to it, or your money back!

Chlorogen 800 ™ is green coffee bean extract with 50% chlorogenic acid. There’s a reason for that – most fat burning experts will tell you a green coffee bean extract should be at least 45% chlorogenic acid for best weight loss results.
We top that, with 50% chlorogenic acid, so you can expect visible weight loss, faster, whether you exercise or not!
It’s not a diet pill and it’s not addictive. Chlorogen 800 ™ can help you hit your weight loss goals, with a firm 67 day money-back guarantee. Expect nothing less with this much beloved green coffee bean supplement!
Chlorogen 800 FAQ
What is Chlorogen800?
Chlorogen 800 is a green coffee bean extract supplement. The product stands out because it contains 50% chlorogenic acid – a chemical in green coffee bean that helps the body burn fat.
Green coffee bean extract has been very popular since its appearance on the Dr. Oz show in 2012, which spoke highly of green coffee for its weight loss properties. However, the show was very clear that a green coffee bean supplement should have at least 45% chlorogenic acid for best weight loss results.
Chlorogen800 beats that standard, and has no fillers or artificial ingredients.
Is there clinical proof that it works?
Chlorogen 800 is similar to a green coffee bean supplement used in a study published in Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, which documented 17lbs lost on average for study participants over 22 weeks.
Like the green coffee bean supplement used in that study, Chlorogen 800 is in the range of 700mg – 1,050mg, at 800mg per serving. There are no artificial ingredients in the product.
How does Chlorogen 800 help me lose weight?
Chlorogenic acid burns fat. That’s why it’s so important to choose a green coffee bean supplement with at least 45% chlorogenic acid.
Note that chlorogenic acid occurs naturally in coffee beans, but it’s killed by the roasting process, which is done with extreme heat.
Chlorogen 800 uses unroasted – green – coffee bean extract. That’s why it’s so high in chlorogenic acid and what makes it an exceptional weight loss supplement!
Do I have to diet or exercise to lose weight with Chlorogen800?
That’s up to you. The participants in the study (who were all overweight) lost weight with no changes to diet or exercise.
So you should lose weight with Chlorogen 800 regardless of whether you diet or hit the gym.
With that said, there’s no harm in using Chlorogen 800 with some basic weight loss steps. Watch your portion sizes, for example, and try to exercise at least three times a week.
You’ll probably have even better results when doing this with Chlorogen 800 because of its fat-burning properties. You’ll look great too!
Is it addictive?
Chlorogen 800 has just 5% caffeine and is not a prescription diet pill. It is highly unlikely you will find it addictive – though you might soon get hooked on the compliments of how good you look after using it for several months!
When will I see results?
Again, this depends on you and your dietary habits. The participants in the study lost weight within the first month, so there’s no reason why you can’t expect the same.
Remember too that Chlorogen 800 is guaranteed for 60 days. That should be more than enough time to see a decrease in weight.
Is Chlorogen800 safe?
Chlorogen800 is an all-natural dietary supplement and very well-tolerated. None of the participants in the 2012 study reported adverse side effects, so it’s a good bet you will have no problems.
Speak with your doctor if you’re pregnant or concerned about pre-existing conditions or medications. Beyond that, you should probably find that it’s very safe indeed.
How do I use Chlorogen800?
Easily. Just take Chlorogen800 twice a day, about 30 minutes before a meal, with a glass of water.
Do you offer discounts?
Yes we do. We know from experience that Chlorogen800 works best as a long-term strategy to help clients achieve the results they desire. So we’ve priced Chlorogen800 accordingly, with generous discount packaging to reward your commitment to living well and looking great!
Will you share my name or email address with anyone?
Not a chance. Your privacy is important to us.
We will never trade, lease. or sell your name or e-mail address. We follow a strict anti-spam policy and do not spam our customers, ever.
What name will appear on my credit card statement?
Credit card charges will appear on your statement as “” or “”.

Lucie Anderson –
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