Solid Advice On How To Deal With Allergies
Do you dread the coming of spring each year, because you know that it means itchy eyes and a runny nose? Have you tried every allergy medicine there is, and still have not found relief? If you are among the millions who suffer from allergies, the following advice can help ease your discomfort.

If you have a child with allergies, look around his or her room. Are there an abundance of stuffed animals? These seemingly harmless snuggle toys are a safe harbor for dust mites and other allergens. If your child must sleep with one, try taking it away after he or she falls asleep.
Change your bedding frequently, and wash using hot water. Pollen, dust, and other allergens can stick to your clothing and hair and can get deposited on your bedding. Sheets and pillowcases may appear clean, but can harbor irritants that will affect you while you sleep. These allergens easily wash away when the items are cleaned in hot water.
Going outside and just playing is fun, right? Not so, if you suffer from allergies and it happens to be peak allergy season at the moment. You can still have fun, but choose less intense activities. If you are breathing faster, then more allergens are being introduced into your system. So, enjoy the outdoors, but opt for activities, such as, yoga or stretching.
Watch your local weather forecast to see if pollen is high for that day. If it is, it’s best that you minimize your time spent outdoors. If you do want to go outdoors, make sure it’s not between the hours of 5 and 10 A.M. This is the time when pollen is high.
With so many allergens in the air, it can be hard to pinpoint the most likely culprit for your allergic symptoms. Most people just assume that pollen is to blame. Actually, it could be anything from lawn fertilizer, to local wildlife, and native plants. In these cases, it is easy to become discouraged when one experiences an allergic reaction even during days with a low pollen count. An allergy test can help you to get to the bottom of your symptoms.
If you suffer from food allergies, do not be afraid to ask about ingredients at gatherings or carry-ins. Most people will not mind telling you what is in a dish, and you can avoid potentially harmful reactions. If you are concerned about having enough to eat, prepare a dish to share that you know is safe for you to eat.
Consider going without carpet. Carpet is well known for being a host for pollen, dust, and dust mites. Consider replacing carpet with tile or wood floors, if you can afford it. This will greatly reduce the amount of ambient particulates (many of which are allergens) in your home. If you cannot do this, then vacuum on a daily basis.
To escape the symptoms of allergies quicker, change your clothes and take a shower after being outside. All kinds of allergy triggers remain in hair, on skin and clothing long after you’ve come inside, so scrub them off, shampoo them out and toss the exposed clothing in a place where you won’t breathe back the allergen particulates.
If your child is allergic to certain foods, you should always pack safe snacks and treats while traveling; this is especially important if you plan to travel overseas. Sometimes, it is hard to find out all of the ingredients and preparation methods for certain foods, which increases the risk that they could contain nuts, soy, dairy, corn or other common food allergy triggers.
In the first few months of their lives, household pets like dogs and cats generally have little to no dander. As they get older, shedding and dander problems become more pronounced. Because the animal has lived in the house up to that point, owners may be reluctant to believe their beloved pet is the cause of the sudden onset of allergic symptoms. An allergy test can help to identify the true culprit.
Keep your bathroom clean. Bathrooms are a breeding ground for mold, and should be cleaned at least once a week. To reduce mold, wipe your walls with a bleach and water mix. This will break down mold and prevent buildup.
Drink more water. Water thins secretions, so those people with allergies can experience a sense of relief by increasing the amount of water they take in every day. Most people don’t drink as much water as they should, but allergy sufferers should make every effort to drink the recommended, eight to ten glasses a day.
When ever you are cleaning your house, use a dust mask. This will help keep away the dust, pollen, and dust mites that are scattered in the air, as you clean out of your system. Most supermarkets have these in the cleaning supplies aisle. If they don’t, home improvement stores sell them in bulk.
Consider taking an over the counter medicine to battle allergy problems. Medicine may clear up any allergy problems you have. Before choosing which medicine is right for you, consult your doctor to make sure it won’t affect any medication you are currently taking. Your doctor may also recommend an allergy medicine to you.
During allergy season, if you have pollen or plant allergies, stay indoors as much as possible. Do not open windows and rely on an air conditioner to cool down. Pollen travels in the air outside, so if you can avoid that, you should. You can minimize allergy symptoms by just staying inside.
If your child suffers from allergies, do not allow them to sleep with a non-washable stuffed animal. Of course, they provide your child with a sense of comfort, but they also tend to quickly develop dust mites. Instead, allow your child to sleep with a stuffed animal that is able to be washed.
As you are no doubt aware, allergies are one of the most common health problems in the world, so at least you are not alone. Do not give up trying to find ways to relieve your allergy symptoms. By using the advice you have learned in this article, you can get the relief you seek.