Are You Here For Advice About Asthma? Well Look No Further!
With more than 17 million men, women, and kids suffering from asthma in the United States alone, there is a very good chance that you or someone you know is affected with this respiratory condition. Fortunately, this selection of carefully selected tips and tricks will leave you more informed about asthma.

A great tip that can help you get a grip on your asthma is to bring your own pillow when you travel anywhere. You never know how much dust there’s going to be when you’re staying at different places. Bringing your own clean pillow will reduce the risk of breathing in dust.
If you suffer from asthma, it is crucial that you are using your inhaler properly. Make sure that you take a deep breath before taking your asthma pump. By not using your asthma inhaler properly, you may not be getting the proper treatment in order to control your asthma symptoms.
If you are going to exercise, start very slowly. Sudden exercise such as taking off running can trigger asthma for most people. You can exercise, but do some warming up exercises that will gradually increase your heart rate until you feel comfortable with harder exercises. Do not force yourself to exercise if you feel you are going to have an asthma attack.
Bronchodilators are a common treatment for asthma that is prescribed by a doctor. It is usually in the form of an inhaler, and there are short and long-acting treatments. The short-term will help with an immediate symptom, while the long-acting dose will be for ongoing problems.
If you do not understand the early signs of asthma, look for more frequent symptoms that have become increasingly worse, such as: coughing, wheezing and chest pressure or pain. If your symptoms keep you up at night or wake you up, make sure to contact your allergist right away.
If tobacco smoke is a trigger for your asthma symptoms, not only should you not smoke, but you should also avoid places where people smoke. Tobacco smoke leaves a film behind, so even if there is no fresh smoke in the air, the chemicals left behind may still trigger an asthma attack.
If you are on the road, be certain to travel with your inhaler at all hours. Traveling can make you more likely to suffer from attacks due to the extra strain and stress on your body. It’s hard to have much control over your environment when you travel, which makes it more likely you will have some sort of symptoms or an asthma attack.
Keeping yourself healthy can be a way to control your asthma better. The common cold, as well as viruses and bacterial infections can cause a flare up or attack of your asthma. Especially colds which produce mucus or a nasal drip that can end up in your lungs.
To avoid or manage asthma, consider taking up yoga. But make sure to practice at a studio that doesn’t just focus on the asana exercises, but also teaches what they call pranayama, which is controlled breathing. When you can control your breath for a while, you will find that deep, clear breathing becomes habitual for the body and seriously prevents asthma attacks.
Wash bed linens at least once per week and other bedding items, such as comforters, at least every two weeks, in hot water to kill any dust mites that may be present. Dust mites are a common allergen for many asthma sufferers, so frequently washing items where skin cells collect is one way to reduce the amount of mites and subsequently, lessen asthma symptoms.
Engage your support network to help you manage your asthma. Talk to your friends and family about items that trigger attacks and enroll them in helping you make environmental or lifestyle changes to help you manage your asthma. The more knowledgeable your network is about your condition, the more easily they can support you.
If you run a fan inside your house, make sure that it is in an open area that has very little dust. A fan will stir up loose particles, and could stir up enough of it in an enclosed area to spark an asthma attack. Dusting your house often is also a great help.
Track and document how you feel physically when you are not experiencing any asthma symptoms. Being in tune with your body helps you catch increasing symptoms earlier, making it less likely you suffer a full-blown asthma attack. You may know how an attack or worsening symptoms feel, but if you can become aware of the first initial changes, it may help you better manage your condition.
Clean your house and get rid of clutter. Asthma attacks are often triggered by the presence of dust in the air. Cluttered surfaces are harder to dust than clear ones, and hard floors are better than carpeting or rugs. Dust with a damp cloth to avoid throwing it up into the air.
Make sure that you get at least eight or nine hours of sleep every single day. It is important to get rest so that you can restore the energy necessary to take on your day. Lack of sleep yields stress, which can affect your ability to breathe during the day.
Use a spacer in your inhaler. A spacer ensures that you get more out out your medicine. Your medicine will go to your lungs instead of sitting in your mouth and at the back of your throat where it can cause a yeast infection called thrush.
If you have a child who suffers from asthma, make sure that you educate him about asthma and why following his treatment plans are so important. You should not only discuss what to do when he suffers an attack, you should also act out the steps. This will help your child to stay calm during an attack. Make sure that you also educate caregivers and siblings.
Now that you have armed yourself with information on the common symptoms, triggers, and courses of treatment for this common respiratory condition, you will be better prepared to discuss medical care and prevention. Remember this useful and highly recommended advice to do whatever it takes to stay one step ahead of asthma.
Read more: Doctors reverse the symptoms of Asthma and Allergies