Skinception Daily Moisturizing Lotion

Overview Skinception Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil
The Miracle Oil From Morocco
You may have just stumbled on to natural skin care’s greatest secret.
Actually, argan oil is no longer a secret. Used for at least 3,500 years and extracted from the argania tree native to a tiny UNESCO-protected biosphere in the deserts of Morocco, people have caught on that argan oil is poetry for the body, with vibrant skin, stronger nails, even healthier hair…
People love argan oil and they’re putting out dollars for a taste of this ‘liquid gold’. And with Skinception™ Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil you’ve got pure, undiluted argan that’s as good for your body as it is for the planet.
For Your Skin
If nothing else, Skinception™ Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil nurtures your skin. With 200% more skin-friendly vitamin E than olive oil and bursting levels of antioxidants and polyphenols, it’s clinically proven to:
- reduce premature skin aging
- fade wrinkles and fine lines
- reduce stretch marks
- treat eczema and psoriasis
- prevent acne breakouts
- Daily Moisturizing Lotion
This alone makes Skinception™ Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil valuable. Frankly, you’ll have a hard time finding a drugstore cream or moisturizer that can produce similar results.
And if you’re among the growing movement of health-conscious consumers (justifiably) concerned with parabens, carcinogens, industrial pollutants and the estimated 10,000 harmful chemicals in common skin care products, it’s time to think natural.
But there’s more to Skinception™ Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil than what it will do for your largest organ. In fact, there’s much, much more…
For Your Body
They call it ‘liquid gold’. Considering that a single litre of this elixir of youth and vibrancy constitutes a full season of growth from an entire tree, that may not be so far from the truth.
But we think it also hints at what Skinception™ Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil can do for the rest of your body.
Are your nails brittle? Argan adds strength to finger nails and makes them less likely to break off.
Having a bad hair day? Argan Oil can treat damaged hair, dry scalp and frizzy ends. Guys with hair loss? Add a little argan to your scalp and your remaining hair will be shiny and sexy.
You can even COOK with argan oil! Though we don’t recommend cooking with argan that’s been extracted for cosmetic purposes. We just had to add that because we’re convinced you won’t find a better oil anywhere on the planet.
And speaking of the planet…
For The Women Of Morocco
If you buy argan, we encourage you to buy Skinception™ Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil. Doing so helps the Berber women of Morocco who’ve perfected the technique of argan extraction over thousands of years.
In the 1990s, some of the major skin labels moved argan production to factories in Casablanca and diluted the product with additives that chipped away at its magical properties.
Not only did that reduce the potency of argan oil, it misplaced the livelihood and economic benefits of the Berber women whose lives were so interwoven with argan oil extraction…
Sadly, the practice is still common. Some products, often labelled ‘Moroccan Oil’ are sold with labels that depict Berber women hard at work, when in fact these women received little to no benefits as a result.
So please, don’t buy ‘Moroccan Oil’.
Buy Skinception™ Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil instead. Not only is it undiluted and with all the cosmetic benefits that argan oil has to offer…
Skinception™ Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil is harvested by the Berber women, in a fair trade cooperative, with competitive wages, flexible working hours, health care and educational opportunities for the women and their families.
We take pride in that. And we think you will too.
Formulation Skinception Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil
What Science Is Telling Us About This Ancient Miracle Oil:
What makes argan oil so effective as a moisturizer… anti-aging solution… hair repair oil… nail strengthener… cuticle softener… stretch mark eliminator… and even acne fighting solution… is its unique makeup.
In its purest form, with no additives or enhancers added, Mother Nature’s miracle oil ALREADY includes a potent series of tocopherols, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, squalene, polyphenols, sterols, and triterpene alcohols – all of which play a critical role in keeping you looking fresh, radiant, and youthful.
And we know this because over the last 15 years, the medical community has invested considerable time studying the outstanding cancer-fighting and cardiovascular health benefits of argan oil. And their findings grabbed the attention of the dermaceutical and cosmetics industries, who then began running extensive studies of their own…
… Proving in labs what Moroccans have known for over 3,500 years: Argan oil has outstanding moisturizing, healing, and anti-aging properties!
When analyzed in pharmaceutical laboratories, argan oil has been shown to include:
Argan oil offers 771 mg of tocopherols per kg of oil. That’s more than DOUBLE the 320 mg/kg found in olive oil! (Source: Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2011; 113: 403-408) And while doctors recommend you look for skin care products that include a minimum of 0.5% tocopherols, argan oil typically offers 5-9% tocopherols!
Tocopherols also help the skin to absorb other compounds and studies show it’s well-absorbed by human skin.
It’s also worth mentioning that pure argan oil is reported to contain 300% more tocopherols than skincare products that include argan oil in a series of ingredients due to the poor solubility of tocopherols in solvents. Which means you’re better off spending your money on pure argan oil, as the purity preserves the integrity of the Vitamin E!
Essential Fatty Acids
Argan oil includes high levels of fatty acids, primarily oleic (Omega 9) and linoleic (Omega 6) acids, which are both easily absorbed by the skin. Fatty acids are essential to the health of your cellular membranes – keeping the skin elastic and firm, and improving moisture retention. They are also critical in the formation of prostaglandin, which acts as a natural anti-inflammatory and healing agent.
A Breakdown Of The Fatty Acids In Argan Oil
- Oleic Acid: 43-49.1%
- Linoleic Acid: 29.3-36%
- Stearic Acid: 4.3-7.2%
- Palmitic Acid: 11.5-15%
Source: Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacology 2010; 62: 1669-1975
Natural Antioxidants
Argan oil is high in natural antioxidants that, when applied externally, help to protect your skin from environmental factors like chemicals, pollution, and sun damage – preventing free radical damage, assisting in skin repair and rejuvenation, and giving your skin that hard-to-achieve “glow.”
Not only does it include exceptionally high levels of tocopherols, but it also includes traces of copper, which not only acts as an antioxidant, but also supports collagen production for more youthful looking skin.
Squalene is a polyunsaturated hydrocarbon liquid that is naturally produced by your skin. It functions very much like Vitamin E, acting as an important antioxidant, protecting against free radical damage while preventing the breakdown of your skin’s natural collagen and elastin, which is what keeps your skin looking firm and youthful.
Squalene contains lipoproteins that help to prevent the formation of harmful peroxides that can destroy important vitamins in your skin. Plus, squalene has many wound healing and antibacterial properties that make it an excellent choice for those suffering with eczema and psoriasis.
It’s deeply moisturizing and acts as an emollient, helping to prevent water loss from the skin. It is also quickly absorbed without making your skin feel greasy.
In particular, argan oil contains high levels of Ferulic Acid, which is prized because it actually increases in potency as an antioxidant when exposed to sunlight, making it particularly effective in helping to prevent photoaging. Other phenols in argan oil include vanillic acid, syringic acid, tyrosol, catechol, resorcinol,(-)-epicatechin and (+)-catechin.
Sterols have been shown to help prevent wrinkles and increase skin elasticity.
Plus argan oil contains the very rare D-7 stigmasterol, which is highly regarded for treating skin diseases and healing wounds and compromised skin tissue.
Triterpene Alcohols
Argan oil also contains a series of triterpene alcohols, which are noted for their potent anti-inflammatory action. Initially studies reported this action occurring upon ingestion, but more recent studies are now showing that they act as an anti-inflammatory when applied topically as well. This may well be another reason why argan oil is known to be so effective for healing a variety of skin conditions including acne, eczema, and psoriasis.
More Scientific Journal Articles & Studies Featuring Argan Oil:
Over the last 15-20 years, argan oil has received a lot of attention from the medical community, as well as the dermaceutical and cosmetic industries, with hundreds of studies completed and published.
Here are a few notable ones from the last few years that may interest you:
- Therapeutic potential of argan oil: a review
- Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacology 2010; 62: 1669-1675
- Argan oil and other argan products: Use in dermocosmetology
- European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 2011; 113: 403-408
- Ethnoeconomical, Ethnomedical, and Phytochemical Study of Argania spinosa (L.): A Review
- ELSEVIER – Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1998; November: 1-9
- Consumption of argan oil (Morocco) with its unique profile of fatty acids, tocopherols, squalene, sterols and phenolic compounds should
- confer valuable cancer chemopreventive effects.
- European Journal of Cancer Prevention 2003 Feb;12(1):67-75.
- Argan oil: Which benefits on cardiovascular diseases?
- Pharmacological Research; Volume 54, Issue 1, July 2006, Pages 1-5
For your convenience, below you’ll find answers to some common questions we get about Skinception™ Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil.
Please take a moment to review them and if your question isn’t answered here, please be sure to contact us directly. We’d be happy to speak with you!
What is Skinception™ Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil?
It’s 100% pure organic argan oil, with no additives or preservatives, made from argan fruit kernels harvested from UNESCO’s biosphere reserve in Southwestern Morocco by the Berber Women’s Fair Trade Cooperatives and then cold pressed by machine to guarantee the highest quality oil, free of impurities that would otherwise degrade the oil.
Argan oil has been used for more than 3,500 years by Moroccans for anti-aging, moisturization, skin healing, and hair care. And now science is backing what Moroccans have known for centuries with clinical studies and lab tests showing that argan oil contains exceptionally high levels of tocopherols (Vitamin E), Fatty Acids, Antioxidants, Polyphenols, and more… which all contribute to its miraculous anti-aging and skin healing effects.
What are the ingredients?
It’s 100% pure, cold pressed cosmetic argan oil. However, as mentioned earlier, argan oil itself contains exceptionally high levels of tocopherols (Vitamin E), Fatty Acids, Antioxidants, Polyphenols, and more. If you’d like to see a breakdown of the various properties of argan oil, click here now.
Will it make me look younger?
Argan oil is well known for its anti-aging effects. It includes a number of properties that support the production of collagen and elastin and provide deep-penetrating moisturization, for firmer, more youthful looking skin. It helps to erase fine lines, wrinkles, and crow’s feet. Plus, it includes potent antioxidants that fight free radical damage to help repair sun damage and prevent premature aging.
How do I use it on my hair?
You have a few options: argan oil can be applied to both wet and dry hair. If you suffer with particularly dry, damaged hair – with frizzy hair or split ends – you can apply it to wet hair after shampooing and leave it in for extra shine and control. Or, if you have reasonably healthy hair, you can either rinse it out or just apply it to your dry, damaged ends.
Our best advice is to experiment and see what works best for your hair. It doesn’t take much… A few drops per treatment will produce excellent results.
You may even wish to try applying it to dry hair prior to flat ironing – many women report excellent results doing this.
I suffer with eczema / psoriasis… will this help?
Many people who have suffered a lifetime with eczema and psoriasis claim argan oil has been their savior, their miracle cure, finally providing relief from the pain, itching, and embarrassment of outbreaks. And from what science has been able to uncover so far, their success is likely due to argan oil’s unique combination of anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and healing properties, along with its deep moisturization and skin repair qualities.
So will this relieve your eczema or psoriasis…? We can’t make any promises, however, we invite you to take advantage of our moneyback guarantee if it doesn’t work for you. So there’s no risk in giving it a try.
How do I use it as a nail strengthener?
Mix one part argan oil with one part lemon juice and paint it directly on your nails with a nail brush. Leave it for at least 15 minutes before rinsing off. For cuticle softening, just massage the oil directly into your cuticles.
Won’t this oil clog my pores and/or cause acne breakouts?
Argan oil doesn’t clog your pores. In fact, it absorbs into your skin quickly without making it feel greasy. And it contains a number of anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and healing properties that are actually well known for fighting acne breakouts, healing blemishes, and even erasing acne scars!
Will this really eliminate my stretch marks?
Argan oil includes a number of properties that help to smooth and diminish the appearance of stretch marks and scars from pregnancy, weight loss, weight gain, growth spurts, and surgery.
Beginning with your skin’s extracellular matrix, it works to repair skin by boosting collagen synthesis, restoring elasticity, and stopping inflammatory reactions to dramatically reduce discoloration. Skin tone is evened. Striations and deep furrows are smoothed. Stretch marks fade.
And of course, if you’re not satisfied with the results, you’re welcome to ask for a refund within 90 days of purchase!
Will it protect my skin from UV rays / sun damage?
While argan oil helps prevent and repair the free radical damage associated with sun exposure, it’s NOT a replacement for your sun screen. Be sure to continue using your regular sun screen to prevent UV damage.
Can I eat or cook with this oil?
No, you should not eat or cook with Skinception™ Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil. Edible argan oil comes from roasted argan kernels. Cosmetic and beauty argan oil comes from raw, non-roasted argan kernels; it’s not of food grade quality.
Are there any side effects?
No. It has been used topically for centuries with no reported side effects. And an article in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology has said it best: “Argan oil has been used as a food and as a food ingredient for centuries, therefore its acute and chronic toxicity is assumed to be nil.” (2010; 62: 1669-1675)
How long will one bottle last me?
Each bottle contains 30 mL of product. How long it lasts depends on how you’re using it. If you’re apply it to your face alone, for example, it’s going to last longer than if you’re also applying it to your hair, nails, bath water, etc.
We generally recommend that women purchase a package with at least 3-4 bottles, so you enjoy the maximum savings with the fullest opportunity to experiment with using argan oil on your face, body, hair, and nails. Remember that no matter which savings package you choose, you’ll be protected by our 90-day moneyback guarantee.
How long does shipping take?
We offer outstanding shipping options that meet the needs of every one of our customers. We can get your Skinception™ Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil to you as fast as you want.
You want it overnight? You’ll get it. You want it there in 2 days? You’ll get it. Maybe you are on a budget and can’t afford express delivery? We can do that for you as well. Meeting the needs of our customers does not end with the purchase of our product.
Do you offer a guarantee?
Please try our product for 90 days (3 boxes) and if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, simply return the three empty boxes within 97 days from the time of delivery for a full refund excluding shipping charges. If you wish to take advantage of the price discount by ordering multiple boxes don’t worry. Any unopened boxes returned along with your first three opened boxes within the 97 day guarantee period will also be eligible for a full refund. How can we make this incredible guarantee? Because we KNOW you will be satisfied with our product. Please do not ship any product back after the 97-day refund period has expired. Please feel free to try our products, but refunds are limited to one order per customer.
Do you offer discounts?
Yes… To encourage commitment to 90+ days of use, and to encourage women to try it as a total body, hair, and nail care solution, we offer generous bonus gifts and savings to those who purchase savings packages with a minimum of 3-4 bottles.
What are the free gifts with purchase?
Free gifts with purchase may include free bottles of Skinception™ Cold Pressed Cosmetic Argan Oil and even free shipping.

Lucie Anderson –
Good Products