Music for Tinnitus Therapy and Sleep-Part 4 One of the most powerful tinnitus therapy methods is to use the sounds of nature. Many tinnitus sufferers, sleep better when they hear sounds of the ocean waves, waterfall, running river, or rain. Those people are now recognizing the benefits of nature sounds as part of their daily […]
Tag Archives: tinnitus therapy
Covid-19 Vaccine & Tinnitus Success Stories Hello, everyone, and welcome to the “May 2021 Newsletter For Pure Tinnitus.” This is Dr. Ben Thompson. We’re here for the monthly Pure Tinnitus video newsletter on this YouTube channel. Thanks for being here. As you can see, I’m in a new area, a new place. I’m actually over […]
Covid Tinnitus Treatment – How to Treat Tinnitus if you get it after Covid or the Covid Vaccine Everyone today i’ve got joey remini she’s a vestibular audiologist and neuroplasticity specialist and i’ve got her here today to talk about how some people are experiencing tinnitus symptoms that have come on after having having had […]