Tag Archives: Tinnitus Treatment

Silencil Supplement Reviews | SCAM ALERT

Silencil Supplement Reviews | SCAM ALERT! Truth Exposed!

Silencil Supplement Reviews | SCAM ALERT! Truth Exposed! Now for the first few days,. I didn’t feel any major improvements maybe just my focus was better and most of my headaches were gone. But a few days later something amazing happened. It was almost like the ringing was somehow losing strength. Then as days went […]

Tinnitus and Hearing Aids

Tinnitus and Hearing Aids

Tinnitus and Hearing Aids – Tinnitus can be extremely annoying, but did you know that for some people, hearing aids can actually completely get rid of their tinnitus? That’s why in this video I’m talking about tinnitus and how hearing aids might be your best treatment option to get rid of it, coming up. Hi […]

Natural Remedies for Tinnitus Quick Tip 1

Natural Remedies for Tinnitus Quick Tip 1

Natural Remedies for Tinnitus Quick Tip 1 Hi my name is Jennifer Betty Glenn. I’m here to talk to you today about tinnitus. I’m starting a new series called quick tip on tinnitus. And today’s tip number one first thing. I want to point out is what tinnitus is pronounced tinnitus or tinnitus both are […]

Tinnitus Cure In 30 Minutes

Tinnitus Cure In 30 Minutes

Tinnitus Cure In 30 Minutes Tinnitus Cure In 30 Minutes | Most Powerful Tinnitus Binaural Beats Music – Sound Healing Therapy by MindDelt Binaural Beats. 👕 Suffering from tinnitus is one of the worst experiences one can have. It creates problem in day to day life and you feel uncomfortable all the times. This Sound […]

Music for Tinnitus Therapy and Sleep-Part 4

Music for Tinnitus Therapy and Sleep-Part 4

Music for Tinnitus Therapy and Sleep-Part 4 One of the most powerful tinnitus therapy methods is to use the sounds of nature. Many tinnitus sufferers, sleep better when they hear sounds of the ocean waves, waterfall, running river, or rain. Those people are now recognizing the benefits of nature sounds as part of their daily […]

Music for Tinnitus Therapy and Sleep-Part 3

Music for Tinnitus Therapy and Sleep-Part 3

Music for Tinnitus Therapy and Sleep-Part 3 One of the most powerful tinnitus therapy methods is to use the sounds of nature. Many tinnitus sufferers, sleep better when they hear sounds of the ocean waves, waterfall, running river, or rain. Those people are now recognizing the benefits of nature sounds as part of their daily […]

Music for Tinnitus Therapy and Sleep-Part 2

Music for Tinnitus Therapy and Sleep-Part 2

Music for Tinnitus Therapy and Sleep-Part 2 One of the most powerful tinnitus therapy methods is to use the sounds of nature. Many tinnitus sufferers, sleep better when they hear sounds of the ocean waves, waterfall, running river, or rain. Those people are now recognizing the benefits of nature sounds as part of their daily […]

Music for Tinnitus Therapy and Sleep-Part 1

Music for Tinnitus Therapy and Sleep-Part 1

Music for Tinnitus Therapy and Sleep-Part 1 One of the most powerful tinnitus therapy methods is to use the sounds of nature. Many tinnitus sufferers, sleep better when they hear sounds of the ocean waves, waterfall, running river, or rain. Those people are now recognizing the benefits of nature sounds as part of their daily […]

7 Pro Tips of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)

7 Pro Tips of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)

7 Pro Tips of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)  I studied with Dr. Jastreboff, the founder of Tinnitus Retraining Therapy. This video is designed to help you better understand Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT). I cover seven pro tips to help with the management and treatment of tinnitus. Enjoy these pro tips! Hey everyone, it’s Ben Thompson […]

Covid-19 Vaccine & Tinnitus Success Stories

Covid-19 Vaccine & Tinnitus Success Stories

Covid-19 Vaccine & Tinnitus Success Stories Hello, everyone, and welcome to the “May 2021 Newsletter For Pure Tinnitus.” This is Dr. Ben Thompson. We’re here for the monthly Pure Tinnitus video newsletter on this YouTube channel. Thanks for being here. As you can see, I’m in a new area, a new place. I’m actually over […]

How to get rid of Tinnitus naturally

How to get rid of Tinnitus naturally

How to get rid of Tinnitus naturally Place both palms behind your ears and massage it outwards like that 1 2 3 ready? 1 2 [make sure you place both palms on the sides of the head] [and the ears] [and massage it strongly] 6 7 8 9 10 one more 1 2 3 4 […]



MOST POWERFUL TINNITUS SOUND THERAPY 1 Hr MOST POWERFUL TINNITUS SOUND THERAPY|Tinnitus Treatment Ringing in Ears|Tinnitus Masking Sounds|Tinnitus Relief & Cure by Binaural Beats Meditation (Good Vibes) – On Request.   {ALWAYS PLAY THIS MUSIC IN LOW VOLUME BECAUSE OF FREQUENCIES USED IN THIS MUSIC} (Note: To experience the best sound, Use a pair of […]

Covid Tinnitus Treatment

Covid Tinnitus Treatment

Covid Tinnitus Treatment – How to Treat Tinnitus if you get it after Covid or the Covid Vaccine Everyone today i’ve got joey remini she’s a vestibular audiologist and neuroplasticity specialist and i’ve got her here today to talk about how some people are experiencing tinnitus symptoms that have come on after having having had […]

A New Cure For Tinnitus Go Away

A New Cure For Tinnitus Go Away

A New Cure For Tinnitus Go Away – In this video, I’m talking about a new pharmaceutical drug intended to treat tinnitus called OTO-313, coming up. Hi guys, Cliff Olson, Doctor of Audiology and founder of Applied Hearing Solutions in Phoenix, Arizona, and on this channel, I cover a bunch of hearing-related information to help […]

Tinnitus Cure Found – Easy Tinnitus Treatment

Tinnitus Cure Found - Easy Tinnitus Treatment

Tinnitus Cure Found – Easy Tinnitus Treatment Hey everybody, it’s Doctor Jo and Remi-corn. I know! And today I’m gonna show you a treatment for tinnitus, which is ringing in the ears. So let’s get started. Oh no! So tinnitus, which is a ringing in your ear, is 90% of the time caused by repetitive […]

Tinnitus Treatment – Causes and Treatment of Tinnitus

Tinnitus Treatment - Causes and Treatment of Tinnitus

Tinnitus Treatment – Causes and Treatment of Tinnitus In the UK six million people experience sounds for which there is no external source. These people have tinnitus. The symptoms of tinnitus are often described as ringing, buzzing or whistling sounds that are perceived within the ears or the head. However, it is not the ear […]