Therapy Yoga For Tinnitus: How to Stop Ringing Inside of the Ear With Yoga
hi I’m Jeff at light and shining armor studio Tampa Bay’s yoga instructor of the year best of the bay 2010. And today we’re going to talk about how to stop ringing in the ears with yoga.

We’re going to do a pose that you may not first think about to stop ringing the ears. We’re going to do plow it’s actually an advanced posture. But I’m going to give you a modification in case you’re not able to come up into it automatically or on your first try so we’re going to come up into shoulder stand first which is the posture.
We do before plow and you want to actually hold the shoulder stand for a few minutes but for time constraints. we’re not going to do that today as you come into plow gently first you’re going to take a nice full deep breath in and as you exhale gently bring the legs down to the mat full deep exhalation don’t let the legs flop.
You want the back to open up this is actually opening up the throat which will help open up the ear canal which can help alleviate ringing in the ear. There are a ton of different positions and different modifications on plow. But this is actually the position that is going to help you more listen to your body listen to the back the neck take care of yourself. If you need to come out of the position you come out of the position so in order to come out of the position.
Read more: Exercise Your Ears (3 Remedies for Tinnitus)
You’re going to take a breath in and as you inhale bring the legs back up inhaling the entire time bend the knees bring the feet to the buttocks just like. You’re coming out of shoulder stand bring the hands to the mat and then gently on a full deep exhalation release the body to the mat trying not to hold up the neck shoulders of the head.
And relax in the corpse pose so that was the that was a full plow position what I’m going to do now is we’re going to show you a modification always modify. That because you can’t get your feet to the floor doesn’t mean you can’t use a prop in order to get the benefit of plow. We’re going to bring in a bench you don’t have to have a bench you can use a chair you can use blocks.
You can use the couch even if that’s all you have at your house so the modification is this again. We start by coming up in the shoulder stand and as you exhale into plow just bring the feet to whatever prop that you’re using curl the toes gently towards the head stretches the hamstrings. You’re still getting the full benefit of opening up the throat.
And opening up the ear canals coming out of the position is exactly the same remember the breath inhale bring the legs up exhale bring the feet to the buttocks. You’re going to bring your hands to the mat you’ll probably have to take another breath at this point.
And when you exhale gently lower the body to the mat on a full deep exhalation I’m Jeff at lights shining armor studio Tampa Bay’s yoga instructor of the year 2010 best of the bay and that was one yoga pose to help alleviate ringing in the ear through yoga.
Read more: Silencil Natural Remedies For Tinnitus