Premature Ejaculation
The definition for premature ejaculation is vague at best. It could mean either ejaculating before intercourse, or just as you begin intercourse, maybe a couple of minutes in. Some even define intercourse as finishing before your partner! How many times have you wished you could have more staying power? You aren’t alone. In fact, the National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) reports that 30% of men ejaculate prematurely.

Premature ejaculation is not a disease, but simply a sexual condition. While premature ejaculation in no way physically harms the sufferer, it does affect his relationship with his partner, who he likely leaves sexually unsatisfied. This in turn will affect his self-esteem, which leaks into other aspects of his life. But lucky for you, there is a cure.
You can’t just be expected to control this function though, without a little bit of help. You’ve probably tried thinking of something else other than sex, which may work but all it does is decrease the intensity of your orgasm. Or, that you need to turn to prescription medication which is both pricey and rife with side effects. Both are completely unnecessary. Instead, we’ll teach you a few easy tricks so you can enjoy sex for longer.
Learning how to start and stop is your most effective tool in preventing early orgasm. That is, while having sex recognize the moment before you orgasm, and hold off. It should first be practiced during masturbation, and then incorporated with a partner. Learn to find that moment right as you build towards orgasm, which is signalled by a tingling feeling. Stop any stimulation once you feel this tingling.
Read more: You CAN be a Better Lover!
After the sensation subsides, resume stimulation. See how many times you can do this, then let yourself orgasm. It may sound easy, but you’ll see it’s far more difficult than it sounds. You may find that you will occasionally lose the strength of your erection – this happens occasionally. Just continue as you were before. Once you are ready for partner sex with this routine, try caressing and kissing during these little breaks.
Kegel exercises are another great way of holding off orgasm. Kegel exercises strengthen the pubococcygeus muscles, otherwise known as the PC muscles. To find these muscles, stop your urination midstream – that would be the PC muscles. Now, to do a Kegel exercise, clench the muscle, hold it for five seconds, then release.
Repeat these in sets of ten until you are tired. Slowly, over time, increase the number of reps, and should ideally be repeated three times a day. You won’t see any results quickly, at least not for three to four weeks. How this works is during sex, once you feel yourself building towards orgasm in the same way you learned with the start and stop technique, clench this muscle. This can be done in conjunction with the start and stop.
An herbal supplement is also a great help, as long as it comes from a reputable company. Extenze promises a longer, firmer, thicker erection. Who doesn’t want that? More importantly, it increases your staying power while still increasing the power of your orgasm. This probably sounds too good to be true. But it does work, through a carefully selected blend of natural sexual enhancers. Expect results with no side effects.
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