Tag Archives: ejaculating

Maintain a Consistent Performance Level with ProEnhance

Maintain a Consistent Performance Level with ProEnhance

Maintain a Consistent Performance Level with ProEnhance Poor sexual performance is one of the most embarrassing things that can happen to a man. Knowing that you did not perform well enough to please the one you are with or ejaculating too prematurely are common occurrences but not something that you should have to learn to […]

Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation The definition for premature ejaculation is vague at best. It could mean either ejaculating before intercourse, or just as you begin intercourse, maybe a couple of minutes in. Some even define intercourse as finishing before your partner! How many times have you wished you could have more staying power? You aren’t alone. In […]